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Static Dress
May 24, 2022| RELEASE REVIEW

Static Dress – Rouge Carpet Disaster | Album Review

Fairly new to the scene, but already causing a whole load of noise, the debut from Static Dress is pure statement of intent.

Static Dress seem to be one of those bands that kicked the door down out of nowhere. One minute you’ve never heard of them, and the next they’re popping up everywhere you look. Looking back over the course of the band’s discography, it’s clear that the band have come a long way since their debut release. Since their first single in 2019 ‘Dsc_301’ the band have released a steady flow of material skipped straight past any sign of a traditional EP and diving headlong into a warped cacophony of full length records. Their debut Prologue…(Comic Book Soundtrack) was a spectacle for sure, but it’s their most recent release that really establishes the project as something special. 

Rouge Carpet Disaster is chaos embodied. 12 tracks of depth, raw emotion and intense guitar tones all hand picked and crafted into one very unique package – a post hardcore rollercoaster. The record’s opener ‘Fleahouse’ is a pleasant introduction but don’t let yourself be fooled, as ‘Sweet’ quickly sets the pretense for the rest of the album to come. First released as a single in June 2021 the track has already become a fan favorite, but still has some fierce competition. There is a distinct theme of self destructive catharsis throughout the record’s narrative, and each track instantly enforces an intense focus from yourself as the listener.  There has clearly been a well defined thought process through the entire creative process. Each song track contains something new and exciting, and the way the tracklisting is arranged makes the variation of intensity seem all the more surprising when it hits. ‘Attempt 8’ is far from the heaviest track on the album – but it is definitely one of the most captivating. The two minute spectacle gives time for us to sit back, take stock of the content we’ve just received before bursting straight back into gear with ‘Courntey, Just Relax’ with some of the quartet’s most brutal material to date.

Lye Solution’ is another heavy spectacle – with vocalist Olli Appleyard pushing a barrage of vocals throughout the entire track that does not let up until the very end. It’s times like these where the ghost of prior project Galleries drifts up to the surface – bringing his signature screams front and center. The balance between the disgustingly heavy and subtle serenities across the record has been tackled spot on. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – you really don’t know what is coming next. The penultimate track ‘Marisol’ comes to an end with an emotive string section that is a metaphor all of its own, with the pang of sadness it invokes signaling the album is coming to a close. ‘Cubical Dialogue’ is a nice touch as a closer, with a nice balance that sits perfectly nestled in the middle of its genre – allowing time to fully comprehend the scope of the sonics we’ve just experienced. 

Releasing this album independently was a strong choice, but there is no doubt that the record will still be getting the reach it deserves. One thing is certain, everyone is going to be keeping a close eye on this band from this point onwards – and we’ll be down the front with the rest of them. 

Score: 9/10

Static Dress