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January 29, 2024| RELEASE REVIEW

The Throwaway Scene – On Death and Dying | EP Review

Take a trip to the gallery for this glowing triumph in emo cinema

Grief and its five steps is a familiar concept in the alt and heavy music sphere, coming in a variety of forms with some focusing on its crushing emotion and others it’s the delicate melancholy taking centre stage. The Throwaway Scene holds both on their highest podiums, creating incredible emo cinema with their exemplary EP On Death and Dying. Executing the concept with substance and style in tandem, they will certainly be walking the path laid by Static Dress and Modern Error.

The balance of mourning and uplifting euphoria is exquisite and the craft is laser focused without losing an ounce of human emotion. The apparatus built instrumentally by guitarist Tom Green-Morgan and bassist Sam Clark is the perfect podium for vocalist Olly Hame to leap and dismount with majestic grace. The production is punchy and impactful, its a theatre of which this pouring of emotion excels and revels in the limelight. 

The Instantly relatable concept born from the first ‘big death’ in a family is the heart worn on the sleeve and one bound to find homes in the conscience of any listener. The narrative within new single “Bury Me” is a heart-wrenching diary entry that drummer Tom Ward dominates throughout and creates that cathartic floor for the vocals to dance on. Closing track ‘Rumour’ is a sombre reflection creating the breakthrough of acceptance in our last step of grief.

Slightly post-punk in style and lit with Joy Division sized melancholy, vocally Olly is an exquisite mix of Adam Lazzara (Taking Back Sunday) and Geoff Rickly (Thursday) with ability far beyond either and with endless potential still to fulfil. Shifting effortlessly between desperate and angelic his voice is commanding and instantly captivating.

Laying the groundwork to be catapulted far and wide into the mainstream emo hemisphere and follow the path of Static Dress, The stunning execution of these five tracks will see The Throwaway Scene breakout into a future emo great.

The balance of mourning and uplifting euphoria is exquisite and the craft is laser focused without losing an ounce of human emotion

Score: 8/10

The Throwaway Scene